How Do I Change My Name On My Facebook Page | Update
pusahma dua
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
Changing Facebook Page Name
How Do I Change My Name On My Facebook Page
Facebook enables Page admins to change a Facebook Page name as long as the name complies with Facebook's guidelines for Page names. Comply with the steps below to change your Facebook Page name:
1. Visit to your Facebook account.
2. Click the drop-down menu symbol on the upper-right part of the Page.
3. Click on the Page for which you want to change the name. If the Facebook Page is not shown, click the See More alternative to check out all the Facebook pages associated with your account.
4. On the target Facebook Page's Home page, click the More symbol from the menu bar.
5. Click Edit Page Info.
6. On the General tab, Change the Facebook Page name to the new name you have picked.
7. Click on Save Changes.
8. A pop-up dialog box will be revealed reminding you of your current Facebook Page name and the new Page name. Authorization may take up to three days.
9. Click on the Request Change button.
10. Another message will certainly pop-up telling you that Facebook is examining your Facebook name. Click OK.
11. Wait on Facebook to assess as well as approve your new Facebook Page name. When authorized, your Facebook Page will certainly currently have its new name.
I have actually simply shown you how you can change a Facebook Page name. If you have inquiries concerning changing your Facebook Page's name, let me know in the remarks section. Your concern could be included in the commonly asked questions section.